Quindicesimo anniversario dell'approvazione all'ONU della
Convenzione Internazionale sui Diritti dell'Infanzia
Un documento fondamentale, uno strumento insostituibile per eliminare i crimini contro le bambine e i bamini. Il quadro fornito dall'UNICEF è desolante, ci ricorda le grandi e le piccole responsabilità, le colpe collettive e quelle individuali, il dovere dell'impegno e della non rassegnazione.
The big picture
What issues are addressed under child protection?
A lack of protection affects children in many different situations.
Children deprived of their primary caregiver: In Central and Eastern Europe alone, almost 1.5 million children live in public care. Globally, an estimated 13 million children are orphaned as a result of AIDS alone.
Juvenile justice: More than 1 million children worldwide live in detention as a result of coming into conflict with the law.
Forced and bonded child labour: Approximately 246 million children work, with about 180 million engaged in the worst forms of child labour.
Trafficking of children: An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year.
Sexual exploitation of children: 2 million children are believed to be exploited through prostitution and pornography.
Children in armed conflict: At any given time over 300,000 child soldiers, some as young as eight, are exploited in armed conflicts in over 30 countries around the world. More than 2 million children are estimated to have died as a direct result of armed conflict since 1990.
Female genital mutilation/cutting: An estimated 100 to 130 million women and girls alive today have undergone some form of genital mutilation/cutting.
Violence: 40 million children below the age of 15 suffer from abuse and neglect and require health and social care.
Fonte: http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_bigpicture.html
una realtà terribile ma vera, che troppo spesso preferiamo occultare, sostituire con la scusa dei nostri problemi o delle nostre occupazioni,...ma intanto loro ci sono, sono milioni e soffrono, muoiono, ogni giorno, sotto la nostra indifferenza.
RispondiEliminaA volte ho vergogna della nostra civiltà così egoista e chiusa, ......
altro che aperta e proiettata al futuro!!!!