Wednesday, 26 May, 2004, 23:39 GMT 00:39 UK Witnessing Tiananmen: Protests mount | |||
The BBC's Chinese Service has interviewed some of those who witnessed the protests and subsequent bloodshed. Gao Wenqian was working at the Central Party Literature Research Centre in the Chinese capital at the time. He witnessed the 27 April demonstration sparked by student fury at an editorial in the People's Daily that said their gatherings in Tiananmen Square were aimed at stirring up unrest:
The 38 army unit, armed police forces and local security units were all called up to get ready.
The troops, it was said, were not necessarily to be used to suppress the student demonstration. The prime concern and intention was to prevent the students from leaving their campuses. Students would be stopped from coming out of their universities. "Stop them and block them!" - that was the order given. We were rather concerned about such tactics. I remember very clearly the events on that day. I was on my way to the office. People kept coming up and telling me where the students were at any particular time. Students had now broken out of Zhong Guan Cun [campus of Qinghua University]. [...] |
AHIMSA. Parola sanscrita che ho imparato da Gandhi. Vuol dire "innocenza" e "non violenza","impegno a non nuocere ad alcun essere vivente". AHIMSA. I miei obiettivi sono la ricerca, la conoscenza, la comunicazione e la condivisione di emozioni, idee, informazioni con altre "persone che cercano". L'altro mio blog è CONVIVIUM, il posto del banchetto.
venerdì 28 maggio 2004
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Sono passati quindici anni...sembra ieri. Harmonia sempre prezioso il tuo puntuale lavoro. Ti abbraccio. Alain
RispondiEliminaGrazie per avermelo ricordato.
RispondiEliminaPer non dimenticare....
RispondiEliminaHarmonia passo per augurarti una serena notte. Un affettuoso abbraccio. Alain
RispondiEliminaBuon fine settimana carissima. E che sia sereno!
RispondiEliminae chi non se li ricorda quei giorni e quelle immagini???
RispondiElimina..buon fine settimana! claudio
un 'pro-memoria' non fa mai male... Siamo così frastornati dal presente che ci dimentichiamo del passato che ha posto in terra i semi....